Going Digital – Refresh Or Rebrand?

Why you should consider to rebrand or refresh the branding

It can seem like the same thing; refresh or rebrand. Brands change, evolve, and adapt to new and current markets, but do they refresh the branding or are they rebranding, and what is the best to do when a brand go digital?

What is Refreshing?

Refreshing the brand is a tactical manoeuvre and the process can vary depending on how much you need to change your brand identity. The risk is low as most consumers will be able to recall and recognise the brand despite the changes. Refreshing can include:

  • Updating the brand slogan.
  • Changing the brand colour palette or typography.
  • Tweaking your logo or design.
  • Refreshing marketing materials.

What is Rebranding?

Rebranding involve tearing down everything you have built and starting from scratch. It is a more complicated and time-consuming strategy, and it require a far greater risk as the obtained brand awareness including recall and recognition most likely will vanish. Rebranding can include:

  • Developing a new brand personality.
  • Creating an entire new brand identity and image.
  • Establish new brand strategies.

What to Choose?

Over time, every brand has to change, and the question is more to with extent a change is necessary? As mentioned, there is far less risk in refreshing the brand – even when the brand goes digital. It is essential that all visual and written communication is readjusted to digital formats, and that they are visual consistent across all digital platforms. Refreshing the brand helps the brand staying updated in fast-changing digital world as well as it makes sure that consumers understand the underlying values and intentions of the brand. Have a look at this article to understand the process of refreshing and rebranding.

What is Next?

It can be difficult to decide if you should refresh or rebrand when going digital. If you need help or have any questions, leave a comment orĀ contact me.